Check out this video of 1000+ Acre beautiful Cattle Ranch in Bowie, County, TX. Will run 300 - 350 mother cows.
Acres: 1000 ± Acres.
PRICE: Call for price.
Animal Units: 300- 350 mother cows.
Terms: No owner financing.
Location: Bowie County, Texas. South of Interstate 30. Approximately 25 miles east of Mt. Pleasant, TX.
Comments: Beautiful cattle ranch for sale on 1000 ± acres with excellent improved Bermuda grass hay meadows. Approximately 200 acres of mature hardwoods and pine. Several places to build large lakes and excellent building spots. County roads on all four sides. The soil on this ranch is very productive sandy loam.
· New covered metal cattle working facility.
· New 90X40 equipment shed.
· New 40x60 Insulated metal building with concrete floor that can be used as a shop or for equipment storage.
· New culverts and bridges for easy access to the entire property.
· New metal gates throughout ranch.
Water: Water well, numerous ponds, creeks that run most of the time. Average annual rainfall is 53 inches.
Terrain: Rolling hills with significant elevation changes. Approximately 20% mature woods, 80% in improved grasses including Bermuda grass, rye grass, numerous native grasses and clovers, some fescue and Bahia grass.
Fences: Majority of the fences are brand new made of net wire fencing and metal T-posts with cedar posts as corner posts and dispersed throughout the fence.
Game: Whitetail deer, wild hogs, and waterfowl. Sulphur River is only a few miles away which attracts all sorts of waterfowl. Canadian geese are almost always present in the fields.
When buying property offered by Southwest Ranch & Farm Sales, the buyer’s agent, if applicable, must be identified on first contact and must be present at the initial showing of the property in order to participate in real estate commission. If this condition is not met, fee participation, if any, will be at sole discretion of Southwest Ranch & Farm Sales.
For more information on this Texas Land For Sale, please contact Southwest Ranch & Farm Sales, Jim Long at (972) 679-7070.
1000+ Acres East Texas Cattle Ranch Brochure (pdf)